Note: White base = White acrylic base on jean mixed with textile medium
Covered up: White acrylic + deep grey + orange-red: Heavy and stark against jean. looks a little tacky? Color did not change. Stiff when dry. (covered over this one with 1)
1: white acrylic + orange-red + water
2: white acrylic + Gesso + orange-red + water
3: white base + Gesso + orange-red + textile medium + water + white acrylic
4: deep grey pigment + gesso
5: deep grey + gesso + textile medium
6: white base
7: white base + deep grey + gesso + textile medium
8: white base
9: see GITD
10: see GITD
11: mauve + gesso + textile medium
12: white base + mauve + gesso + textile medium
13: white base + yellow-green + gesso + textile medium (2 coats)
14: yellow-green + gesso + textile medium
15: white base+ sky blue + gesso + textile medium
16: white base+ sky blue + yellow-green + gesso + textile medium (2 coats)
17: white base + deep grey + gesso + textile medium
Glow in the Dark
9: gesso + textile medium + pink (3 coats on half)
10: white base + Gesso + textile medium + pink (3 coats on half)
Star test design
White base + each segment a different UV color
1: orange-red + gesso + textile medium + acrylic paint + water
2: yellow-green + gesso + textile medium
3: mauve + gesso + textile medium
4: deep grey + gesso + textile medium....deep grey didn't change color...covered up with: sky blue + yellow-green + gesso + textile medium (4 coats)
5: GITD pink + gesso + textile medium (2 coats)
6: sky blue + gesso + textile medium
-when pigment mixture includes white acrylic, color change is harder to see
-when there is a white base, color change is easier to see
-liked mauve, sky blue, orange-red
-liked yellow but wish it turned from white to yellow
-deep grey only really works with very intense light
-liked mauve + orange-red