This week I worked on weaving the fiber optics into denim. I also tested using a hair dryer to achieve the sharp corners and geometric shape. I found that heating up the fiber optics helped me achieve a shape I wanted, but the light could not disperse past the sharp corners. It would probably be best to use sever strands of fiber optics instead of one.
I also tested the input for the used to turn the fiber optics on. I intend to use a metal snap, so the button would be a subtle addition. I could not find my metal snaps so I prototyped the button interaction with conductive fabric. I found there is a loose connection somewhere, so I am currently trying to figure out where it is, what caused it , and how to solve this problem for the actual jacket.
This week I experimented further with textiles and fiber optics. Off of an idea from Sophie, I found that when both ends of the fiber optic were connected to a light source, the entire strand glows.
I intensified this glow by sanding the innermost fiber optic.
In the above photo I connected the fiber optics to a led using old to pneumatic tubing from high school. I sanded the inner ring, and the light emission difference is pretty obvious compared to the outer most rings. although i used UV leds in this experiment, I still haven’t been able to get the pigment to color shift, probably because the fiber optics do not emit enough UV light.
This week I prototyped a sewable LED and practiced by sewing skills. I used conductive thread to secure the sewable LED to a linen cloth. My knowledge of sewing, using conductive thread and working with sewable LEDs vastly increased over the course of the week. I was able to get the LED to light up and was happy with my sewing design.
Personal Goals:
-Get more linen square patches
-Sketch out at least 5 iterations of the patch design
-Take in jacket
-Prototype power source for pocket
-Paint planet and put fiber optic in circle on linen
-Go to Buffalo Exchange and look for new jacket
Week 5 Goals