This week I focused on how I will be incorporating the floral mesh to my jackets. I tried to see in the edges so the mesh would look like a part of the denim. I like how it ended up looking. I tested placing a red sewable LED to a red embroidery flower. I also tested how I want to incorporate the conductive thread in the design, so it is not noticeable. I think I was successful in incorporating the conductive thread in the design, it just needs to be sewn carefully. I also attempted to thread a fiber optic along a stem, it worked easily but did not look well lit. I am trying to find a solution to incorporate a light source at both ends of the fiber optics.
This week I also added some changes to the back of my jacket design. I decided to incorporate photochromic flowers and move the fiber optics to the side panels of mesh.
Summer this week we’ve been devoting our group time to organizing/coordinating/executing my partners designs. I'm exciter to see how our collective work comes together into our final pieces. I hope to have both my partners at least half way done in the next two weeks and have a final design and circuit diagram for my own project within that time frame. You might say I’m afraid of commitment, but really I’m just excited to see how our collected techniques/experience results aesthetically then choose my final layout based on that in order to truly express my creative vision.
Anyway this week I sketched some final design options. I am torn between showing off and being humble in my design approach for the final jacket. I also ordered one last jacket... I like the aesthetic of a simple jacket but I also am drawn to a true reflection of myself in a pinball aesthetic. I love competition but I also love solitude and satisfaction. Comment bellow if you like the simple sketches above or would prefer a more complicated, crazy poem/representation of me. Bellow are my prototypes for this week.
This week I decided and planned out a final design. I will include only the 8 planets. The planets aren't to scale, but I tried to roughly size the planets so they looked somewhat accurately sized relative to each other. I will cut out each planet out of linen
For next week
order silicone wire
wash and dry jackets
paint patches for jackets
start assembly with electrical components