This week I received my jacket in the mail, bought the floral mesh fabric for my design and matching thread. I also measured out the panels I planned to remove, marked them and cut them out. After cutting out the panels we measured out the floral mesh fabric and pined it to the jacket it to prep it for sewing. It took a couple tries, but we got the side panels sewn in with the sewing machine.
This week, I worked on the textile piece of my project. I cut out each planet out of the fabric I decided to use. I did a few test painted planets and once I figured out how I wanted to proceed with the rest of my planets, I started painting the other circles. I got through each planet's initial layer except Jupiter. I am mostly done with Jupiter's initial layer, but I still have some touching up to do. I first started by painting each planet with white acrylic paint, to give the photochromic paint the ability to shine the brightest it can. This white layer was proven to be needed in my test planets. I then painted the base colors for each planet in photochromic paint, the color varying from planet to planet. I need to add some green onto Earth, so the viewer knows they're looking at Earth, and not a plane blue planet. After I finish Jupiter's photochromic layer, I will work on my second paint layer, which will be to paint a glow in the dark layer over each planet, so the planets will be visible inside, outside, and in the dark! My goal for this week is to completely finish the textile piece of my jacket. I.e. finish all painting layers and start to stitch the fiber optics onto the border of each planet.
This week I focused on getting Sophie started mixing pigments to paint her planets and I helped Divya sew in her panels on the sewing machine. I also painted the above sunflower with photo-chromatic and normal pigments on canvas. I really like this design and think it will make a nice patch on the shoulder of my jacket. Painting it also helped me get an idea of how the photo chromatic pigment works when mixed with normal pigment when painted on canvas. Yellow pigment and orange red uv works well, as the yellow color gets more vibrant in the sun.
I’ve started priming more shapes for painting this weekend so I will have more components to show next week. I also attached my moon patch to some denim and decided that the best way to do it is to cut the design out and stitch it directly to the denim with no seam allowance. The fabric paint seals the fibers and keeps them from fraying, so priming the fabric before cutting it is an important step. Bellow is my current design direction.
Goals for next week
Finish painting Sophie's planets
Start laying out and attaching electronics
Prototype connections between silicone wire and conductive thread
Meet with Mary about pin connections for Divya's jacket
Summer needs to start painting on her actual jacket